Watch World First Footage Of Roughskin Dogfish In The Depths Of The Caribbean Sea – Casson Living – World News, Breaking News, International News

Watch World First Footage Of Roughskin Dogfish In The Depths Of The Caribbean Sea – Casson Living – World News, Breaking News, International News

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        <p>Have you heard about the fascinating discovery made by researchers in the deep expanse of the Caribbean Sea? Utilizing a deep baited remote underwater video system (dBRUVS) off the coast of Little Cayman, a dedicated team managed to capture astonishing footage of a roughskin dogfish swimming at an impressive depth of 1,054 meters (3,458 feet). This marks a significant first for the Greater Antilles and the Cayman Islands.</p><br />
        <p>Scientifically known as Centroscymnus owstonii, the roughskin dogfish is a small species of shark that was initially identified around the Japanese Islands. Despite its sporadic presence across the globe, our knowledge about this elusive shark remains limited. Most of the ecological data we possess has been gathered from incidental captures by fisheries.</p><br />
        <p>During their expedition, researchers were fortunate enough to observe not just a single roughskin dogfish, but three of them swimming around the bait, resulting in nearly 11 minutes of remarkable footage. This rare observation enhances our understanding of the biology and behavior of this deep-sea shark species, contributing to our broader knowledge of marine biodiversity in the area.</p><br />
        <p>The innovative team behind this significant finding believes that the use of dBRUVS technology has the potential to transform deep-sea exploration and biodiversity assessments, offering invaluable insights into the underwater world. Their exciting research has been published in the Journal of Fish Biology, illustrating the crucial role of underwater technology in unveiling the mysteries that lie beneath the ocean's surface.</p><br />
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