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<img post-id="1277" fifu-featured="1" width="1200" src="https://i2.wp.com/assets.iflscience.com/assets/articleNo/77893/aImg/81901/clothes-meta.jpg?w=1200&resize=1200,0&ssl=1" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Why Drying Clothes Indoors Could Put Your Health At Risk" title="Why Drying Clothes Indoors Could Put Your Health At Risk" decoding="async"/><br />
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<p>Drying your laundry indoors might seem like a convenient choice, especially during colder months, but it can inadvertently foster the growth of mould in your living space. This fungal growth poses significant health risks that should not be overlooked. Mould can be particularly harmful to individuals with weakened immune systems, potentially leading to serious fungal infections. In severe cases, inhaled fungal spores can enter the respiratory system and inflict serious damage on lung health.</p><br />
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<p>While there are various treatments available for fungal infections, alarming trends suggest that resistance to these medications is on the rise. Factors such as climate change and the widespread application of antifungal agents in agriculture contribute to this growing issue. It's essential to keep a close eye on these developments to prepare for any potential rise in mould-related health problems.</p><br />
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<p>Maintaining a mould-free home is vital for your well-being. Effective ventilation and minimizing moisture levels are crucial strategies for curtailing mould proliferation. To mitigate the risk of mould while drying clothes indoors, consider using a dehumidifier or a heated drying rack. These tools can significantly lower humidity levels, making your home a less hospitable environment for mould.</p><br />
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<p>This article, authored by Rebecca A. Drummond, an Associate Professor specializing in Immunology and Immunotherapy at the University of Birmingham, has been republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. For further exploration, the original article is available for those interested in diving deeper.</p><br />
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